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  • Annual Training Schedule

    Illuminate Minds Trust is not only ambitious for our children but also for our staff.

    We recognise that staff are our most valuable resource and, in order to get the most out of our team, we prioritise investment in their training and development. With a strong desire to encourage innovation and continuous improvement, professional development and research is consistently at the heart of our organisation.

    To retain our best staff, we need to provide them with experiences and opportunities to enable them to become the best they can be!  At Illuminate Minds Trust, staff have access to an annual schedule of CPD which brings together pedagogy, safeguarding, SEND, inclusion, curriculum, equality and diversity, behaviour and attendance.  

    Our approach to raising standards is built around professional dialogue through daily leadership learning walks. The Trust has adopted a coaching culture to encourage all staff at each stage of their career to be an active participant in their own professional development journey. Support and feedback are key to help staff develop their practice and, beyond that, access to collaborative planning, independent experts and secondment opportunities across the Trust to widen experiences and expose staff to new ideas.

    Beyond our internal training and development offer, our staff participate in national initiatives, attend accredited courses, get involved in wider programmes and are actively encouraged to work collaboratively with colleagues both within our trust and externally.  Anyone coming to work in Illuminate Minds Trust is guaranteed a fantastic training offer and support for improvement.